You've probably never heard about us.
Although you've probably never heard of Mefco, we have been
providing computer networking and development services for over
a decade. Mefco is in the 'wholesale' side of the computer software
and services business: we provide a service or develop a product,
and another company sells it as its own.
Our extensive experience in the technological and design fields
enable us to provide you with quality guidance on any project
you wish to undertake and enables us to provide you with quality
service on any project you ask us to undertake. Since you can
count on us to meet our promise, on time, and on budget, we take
the worry out of using an outside source.
Every once in a while we do use our own name.
Our most well known project is Mefco's Random Joke Server,
located on the web at www.randomjoke.com.
Rated one of the funniest sites on the net, our server averages
over one joke per second, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hundreds of thousands of people visit our joke server each month.
Why do we do it? It's just plain fun.
By the way, our joke server is a great place to promote your
web site. Visit www.randomjoke.com/sales
for details.
If you are in the package design or graphics design business,
you may appreciate our Matthco
bar coding software. This software allows you to easily create
high quality, Encapsulated PostScript Bar Codes for your packaging.
Whether you're designing the label for a can of green peas, or
a magazine cover, Matthco bar coding software is for you. Information
on Matthco I and the year 2000 can be found online at http://www.mefco.com/y2k/.
We're not at liberty to name many of our wholesale clients
or to detail projects we've worked on, but you have probably
have received catalogs in the mail or purchased bar-coded grocery
products produced with the help of our software. We can say a
few things:
We have done extensive work in the PostScript® and pre-press
fields. Our on-site PostScript training courses
have been taught for major corporate customers in both the U.S.
and Europe. We worked with Adobe Systems on the development of
the software they used for producing the original PostScript
Reference Manuals.
We have even developed software for the television industry.
If you have ever watched the live CBS telecasts of the MISS
Universe®, MISS USA®,
and MISS TEEN USA® beauty
pageants, or the Univision telecast of the Nuestra Belleza beauty
pageant, you have seen our scoring software in action. We were
the first to bring the Miss Universe Pageant to the Internet,
and we developed an online press photography library for them
that not only reduced their costs, but increased press coverage
of their events.
Our web site design and hosting is now handled by our sister
company, Neuco Image Group,
Inc. Neuco specializes in graphics design for Internet and
print. Neuco has the same corporate values that make us a hit
with our clients. Let Neuco design and host your web site, and
you will have a custom site designed for you by professionals.
Neuco can design a new logo or corporate look for your company,
or handle any of your graphical needs from a new menu for your
restaurant to a four color international magazine advertisement.
They can also custom develop web applications to meet your business
For more information, please contact Michael
Fryd at:
Mefco, Inc.
523 Michigan Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139-6317
Phone: (305) 673-5200
Fax: (305) 673-2950
E-Mail: mfryd@mefco.com